Free Gospel Materials and Resources

Please visit the below websites and examine them carefully before requesting free materials from them. WWW.1687FOUNDATION.COM READ AND PHONE FOR A  PASSWORD TO GET IN TO THE ORDER FORM REQUEST. THE CHRISTIAN BOOKS FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH/CHILDREN...

Share My Gospel Tract

Do you have a Gospel Tract that you would like to make freely available to anyone who wants to print some out? If so, please contact us via our website’s contact enquiry form, or send us an email. Our email address is: info [AT] ourwebsiteaddress (I’m sure...
Chinese Gospel Tract

Chinese Gospel Tract

Chinese Mandarin River Tract Download the above “River” tract (high resolution PDF) The English translation is below. “God loves you so much that He sent his only Son Jesus Christ to take the punishment of our sins upon Himself. Jesus shed his blood and died on the...
Free Credit Card Tracts

Free Credit Card Tracts

The popular Gospel Credit Card Tracts that were designed in Melbourne, Australia are now free to download. Send them to your professional printer and have them print them like a business card but with rounded corners for an authentic credit card appearance. Download...


How to reach out to Hindus with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Download Hinduism Christian Tract For more details and support, please visit...